Try a Walther PPQ for 30 days!
Posted by Jordan on Feb 15th 2019
Walther is so confident that you will fall in love with the PPQ, that they are offering a 30 day money back guarantee!
Pick out your new PPQ, shoot it, if you love it, keep it, if not, send it back for a full refund! Walther will even cover shipping!
Here's how it works.
There are 2 options within the Shoot It. Love It. Buy It. Walther Promotion:
1. 30 day money back guarantee:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee: Buy a Walther PPQ in store or online, and within 30-days, if you don't love it, you can return it for your money back.
2. Try before you buy (in-store purchases only)
Try Before You Buy:
- Go to
- Click on 'register for voucher'
- select your state
- choose your nearest Impact Guns store
- Fill out information
- Request voucher
The voucher option of this promotion will require you to fill out a voucher online, print it and bring it to your nearest Impact Guns location. The video will show you how to complete this process.
Offer includes all Walther PPQ models:
PPQ M1, PPQ M2, PPQ 45, PPQ Sub Compact, Q5 Match, Q5 Match Steel Frame, PPQ 22, PPQ Q4 Tac
Offer Expires 6/30/2019
Shop all Walther PPQ models here
Visit for more information or to request a voucher/return.