· Available in Black
· Front pocket design
· Ambidextrous
- Category : Holsters
- Type : Pocket Holster
- Color : Black
- Material : Slick Pack Cloth
- Model : Nemesis
- Finish : Smooth
- Gun Model : Keltec P3AT; Ruger LCP 380
- Other Models : Taurus
- Mount Type : Pocket
- Belt Size : None
Looks like a wallet
The DeSantis pocket holster for the Ruger LCP is awesome. It doesn't slip and slide, and grips the pocket and pistol both. I carry it everywhere.
Near Perfect Pocket Holster
It's slim and it grips the pocket well. The 'hook' grabs the pocket edge on the way out or can be used to flick off the holster in the rare case that the whole thing makes it out of the pocket. Looks like a wallet in the pocket if you can notice it at all. Highly recommended.
I use the Desantis Holster to carry my LCP. the things I like best about the Holster is how it hids the pistol in the pocket and keeps the pistol an easy position in order to draw the pistol. Living in South Texas, the weather gets pretty warm in the summer. Wearing a cover garment for concealment is not alway confortable, so being able to carry a pistol in a pants or shorts pocket and keep it where it needs to be for easy access and hid so well is a real positive. This holster would also work well in a womans purse, keeping the gun in a position that is easy to get to in a hurry.
I use the Desantis Holster to carry my LCP. What I like about it most is how well it hids in the pocket and keeps the pistol in a perfect position for easy draw. Living in South Texas the summer is quite warm so a cover garment for concealed carry, is not always comfortable. This holster makes carring concealed in warm weather cloths easy.
Great LCP Holster
This is a great holster for concealing your Ruger LCP! I can wear it in shorts and jeans, and it is either invisible or just looks like a wallet. Great carry gear!
Great little holster for the LCP
I've tried a couple different pocket holsters and liked the Nemesis so much I bought a second one when I bought my second LCP (one for me, one for the wife). It grips the inside of the pocket nicely when you go to draw the weapon and doesn't print your pocket while your carrying.