EP7 Sonic Defenders Ultra earplugs protect your hearing against Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) without interfering with your ability to hear routine sounds or conversations. Their foam-tipped stem design, featuring soft memory-foam Comply Canal Tips, fits most people and provides a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 28 dB. Sounds, at safe levels, are allowed to pass through into the ear canal, while potentially harmful noises (above 85 dB) are reduced via a proprietary design that incorporates a special noise-reducing filter. EP7s include attached filter caps, which can be inserted for additional protection and blocking out lower-level noise in situations where hearing ambient sounds or conversations isn't critical.
- Color : Clear
- NRR : 28 dB
- Quantity : 1 Pair
- Style : Foam Tipped
- Material : Foam
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