Brand - W - Walther - Walther PPQ - Impact Guns

Walther PPQ


The PPQ has returned by popular demand and has remained a classic. The PPQ Classic sports a truly ambidextrous magazine release. Unlike the Classic, the M2 uses a U.S. style button for mag release. The trigger is the best of any striker-fired handgun with a safety lever and a short reset. Loved by many, the PPQ Classic is one of the best self-defense handguns available today.

Find the Walther PPQ for sale, along with Walther PPQ magazine, Walther PPQ holster, and other Walther PPQ accessories, in calibers such as 45 ACP, 9mm, and 22 Long Rifle.  Order yours today from Impact Guns, for quick shipping, a lifetime warranty on guns, and low everyday prices!


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