New, factory fresh Bushmaster manufacture 30 round mags. Legal for all civilian use, in states where legal.
Full Military Spec, and all metal construction.
Full Military Spec, and all metal construction.
- Category : Magazines and Accessories
- Caliber : 223 Remington/5.56 NATO
- Capacity : 30 rd
- Model : AR Rifle
- Material : Aluminum
- Type : Detachable
- Model Fit : AR-15
- Brand Fit : AR-15 Platform
Never let me down
I have ten of these Magazines and have never had a problem with any of them. I also own six Magpul P-Mag's of different types. Including two of the original design, two of the new design, and two of the new design with the Mag-level window. I like the look of the P-Mags better but as far as functionality is concerned these Bushmaster 30rd's are hard to beat. Plus alot of your double mag pouches won't accept two P-Mags, and if they do it's REALLY tight. Making quick reloads near impossible. Do yourself a favor, stay above the marketing and get something that works well in your SYSTEM. I don't regret buying my P-Mags, I just wouldn't reach for them first.
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