Striker-fired single action semi-automatic. Rugged and simple design. Safety lever at top of left grip locks sear and slide, also locks slide in open position. Magazine disconnect safety. Features include 3-dot fully adjustable sights and high-impacat grips. Includes free trigger lock.
- Category : Pistols
- Type : Pistol
- Action : Double
- Caliber : 9mm
- Barrel Length : 3.5"
- Capacity : 8+1
- Safety : Manual Thumb
- Grips : Black Polymer
- Sights : 3-Dot Adjustable
- Weight : 29 oz
- Frame Finish : Black
Inexpensive not cheap
Very reliable nice gun. 500 plus rounds and no problems. However if you do have problems it a lot easier to send it back to the factory on their dime where they will repair the problem or, replace the firearm at no charge to you for the lifetime of the weapon.No questions asked.Taking it to a gunsmith to repair and and then paying for it is ridiculous. Its heavy but that seems to help with the accuracy. This gun shoots straight. If you like to spend lots of money then don't bother with this pistol but if you want a quality inexpensive weapon buy it , try it and judge for yourself. I'd love to get a 40 but our wise communist regime here in Cali knows wat best for us, so until that changes the 9mm will do.
Not a bad cheap gun
Regarding all the negative comments: Taking it apart - it is a pain, but find the right tool to remove the pin, and it's easy. Putting it back together - if you can't figure that out, you shouldn't own a gun. Jams - I switched brands of ammo, and had no more problems. Lots of guns have "Favorite" ammo. As for being an overweight "Brick" - when I am out of ammo, one smack to the head with this, and they are going down. While this isn't a great Concealed and Carry weapon, it is good for home protection. Clean it and oil it like you should, and you will be happy, unless you are a gun snob that wants to brag about how much they spent on their guns. If you are the kind of person that wants to pull the trigger, and put a hole in what you were pointing it at, this will do the job.
First Personal Pistol Hi-Point C9
Well, I haven't held a pistol since '86 when I had a 45 while in the Army. I purchased this with the idea of keeping costs down and am I happy. I just got home from the local gun range and had the best time behind a pistol in many years, including my military days. I ran through 200 rounds without a single jam or problem of any kind. My pattern was o.k. for a guy who hasn't fired in nearly 3 decades but I got tighter as I went. I fired from 12 feet, 18 feet and 22 feet with increasing accuracy as I went. If you want to protect yourself or property, and are on a budget this is the weapon for you. No, it ain't real pretty but if you have to use it, the other guy is gonna look WAY worse than this gun. Oh, and I highly recommend the 10 round clip which is available through
C9 is a great value
A good reliable gun that won't jam if you hold up your end...(don't limp-wrist.) 200 rounds and it's only stove-piped 2 times, when I handed it off to someone who didn't lock the wrist. Keep it clean, buy the correct tools to dis-assemble/clean, and don't be afraid to send it to the factory when it wears out as you'll get a new one. And if you ever need to draw it in self-defense your'e not out a weeks pay if it's 'taken for safe-keeping.'
Good storage weapon
I purchased mine in 08. Solid little weapon for a very good price. I neglected to thoroughly clean/lubricate the weapon prior to firing, so I had a jam about every 8th round. After that initial firing, I've cleaned and lubricated the weapon and it works very well. Of course you can;t bury it in sand, then freeze it in water and expect to fire it after thawing, but as a backup weapon to keep in the wifes car or rent house, pretty good deal.
Hi-Pointe 9mm
I wouldn't rate it excellent because it is a bit heavy. It is a great starter semi auto. I've purchased two of them and given them to my two sons. Very accurate right out of the box. I really like the thumb safety, which my XD9 doesn't have. Like I said, it's a bit heavy for in the pants carry but wasn't bad with a shoulder holster.
Don't let the snobs get you down
I bought this gun with MUCH trepidation, and was totally satisfied with it. I looked at them in the stores and they constantly tried to sell me the high dollar weapons. All I wanted was an inexpensive gun to take to the range and not worry about, this gun is it. I heard all of the horror stories of them being cheap, will explode if firing +p ammo, unreliable, blah blah... When I finally made it the range with my brother, we went through about 400 rds in this gun alone, (we only get to see each other every year and a half or so) with no, I repeat no trouble at all, no highhats, misfeeds, nothing. To boot, being a cheapskate I shot mostly cheapo ammo, you know the kind, and a bunch of +p. Not a single gripe. My brother brought along his Ruger 9mm and even so, I still outshot him. Awesome. Don't let the guys in the stores talk you out of one. If you're like me and don't give a crap about name brands, try it, you'll like it. Only downside, they're a bugger to take apart.
Decent plinker
Hi Point makes a decent 'plinker' gun with their 9mm handgun. It jams a lot, looks hideous and is far too top-heavy for it's size. But it is a well-priced handgun for someone learning how to shoot. Would I trust my life on it? Not a chance. But I enjoy pinking away with the cheap 9mm rounds.
A Sound Firearm At A Bargain Price
I wanted very much to dislike this firearm. I've heard all the moaning about it being a pot metal piece of junk, ready to blow up at a moments notice. I ended up picking the Hi Point C-9 9mm semiauto pistol in a private person-to-person sale with a friend who had to move to Chicago, and get rid of his firearms. I figured it'd be a nice beater gun, but had little faith in it. Around a thousand rounds later, it's really grown on me. It's definitely not going to be mistaken for a more expensive elite brand name pistol, but every time I pull the trigger, it goes back, and the bullet hits just about where I'm aiming. I've NOT had a single malfunction with the pistol, or any of the magazines. It's a bit on the heavy side, and a little bulky. It's probably not suited for CCW, due to its size and shape. The high bore axis does make for a little more muzzle flip, but it's controllable with practice. I recommend it as a range plinker & loaner, a backup or stash pistol, and only as a primary weapon when you absolutely cannot afford anything nicer (Ruger P95 / P89, Bersa Thunder, Stoeger Couger, etc.). If you have any difficulty or malfunction, Hi Point will service it, even for third party sales. My C-9 has been a good purchase. It's been a reliable no-frills firearm, at an exceptional price.