Military-grade universal pistol magazine loader and unloader designed for loading and unloading virtually all 9mm Luger up to .45ACP magazines, single and double stack and 1911’s of all manufacturers. It will also load most .380ACP double-stack mags. Loads the following mags: Astra, Auto Ordnance, Barak, Beretta, Browning, Bul, Colt, CZ, EAA, FN, Glock, HK, Hi-Point, High Standard, Jericho, Kahr, Kel-Tec, Kimber, Les Baer, Llama, Luger, Magnum Research, Para Ordnance, Pheonix Arms, Ruger, Sigma, Sig/Sauer, S&W, Springfield Armory, Star, Steyr, Taurus, Vector, Walther and more.
- Color : Yellow
- Item Description : MLA LULA UNIV LDR LEMON
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