Instant reading. Hardened stainless steel body for prolonged tool life. Switches from inches to millimeters with the touch of a button. Range of 0-6 inch/0-150mm. Accuracy +/0.001inch/0.02mm. Resolution: 0.0005 inch/0.01mm. Large easy to read numbers. Adjusts to zero at any position. Measures internal, external, depth and step dimensions. Jaw depth measures about one and one half" outside and five eights" inside. Lock holds slide in position for measuring constants.One replaceable 1.55 volt type SR44W silver oxide battery included. Low battery indicator. Fitted plastic storage case.
Retail Price : 87.95
Description : Electronic Digital Caliper
Catalog Vendor Name : RCBS
Retail Price : 87.95
Description : Electronic Digital Caliper
Catalog Vendor Name : RCBS
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