The M2 and Nova, two tactical shotguns you can bet your life on.
Whether you''re defending the homeland or your own home you can count on the lightning-fast cycling and bet-your-life-on-it reliability of Benelli shotguns.
I'm no expert, but I'm very pleased w/ M2 tactical
I'm now up to 300 rounds of various shot, some ammo was so old/ dirty I couldn't even read the markings. Of the newer boxed stuff I've successfully shot 1 oz, 1 1/8 oz and 1 1/4 oz. bird-shot, plus 35 rounds of 00 buckshot. Not a single failure. I haven't yet shot for pattern but will eventually set it up for buckshot as its primary purpose is home defense. And yes, even with the ComforTech stock I feel it kick, requiring me to wearing my old vest.
Best of my tact shotguns
Fast and accurate. 2 shots from low ready consistently 1.2 sec or less. 5 poppers, reload with 5, 5 poppers in 18.3 seconds. 10 slugs in a 6 inch group at 50 yards with standing, R&L cover, kneeling, prone. I shot 400 bird high base, 70 00 buck full power, and 30 slugs over a two day competition and this gun was the reason I won. Slick and fast out of the box. Get a Briley mag extension with tac sling mount, then a Trijicon reflex sight with high comb for instant target acquisition. Needs at least 3 1/4dram to run. Magnum 00 buck=5 rounds from on target in 0.89 seconds. superb balance. My best tac gun. I am not a dealer--just a gun guy like you.