Utah Gun Law 5th Edition, 'Plain-Talk' Summaries, Mitch & Evan Vilos

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Don’t allow yourself to fall into HIDDEN LEGAL TRAPS!
Let Utah’s Gun Law Attorney, Mitch Vilos, ARM YOU with the knowledge he has gained handling weapons cases for over two decades. Because of Mitch’s remarkable success in representing gun owners and gun dealers in criminal cases and license revocation hearings, many consider Mitch to be Utah’s premier firearms law and self-defense law expert. This Fourth Edition has been totally revised and updated from previous editions and provides quick and easy access to all of Utah's gun laws and many of the federal laws that affect Utahns.
Don't handle another gun until you read about...
The most common, serious and expensive mistakes Utah gun owners make (how not to fry like a chicken gizzard on a hot, sticky Sunday night in the Deep South!)
Completely updated with instructions on how to stay informed.
New law clarifying the right to keep weapons in your own home.
New car carry rules and traps.
New alerts about federal shooting closures throughout the state.
Updated appendix summarizing changes in Utah's gun laws relating to teens and young adults.
New national park and monument rules. It's more expansive than you've heard, but there are hidden legal traps.
New "Katrina" law prohibiting the government from confiscating your guns during a serious natural disaster.
New information about keeping your firearms in your personal vehicle in your employer's parking lot. After 6 long years, the Legislature reversed the Utah Supreme Court's holding in the AOL case causing Pancho to shout, "Remember the AOL-amo!"
Changes to Utah's brandishing and defense of property statutes.
New Statute giving immunity to property owners who allow concealed weapon holders to bring their firearms onto the property owner's land.
University of Utah professors handed cheese with their whine.
Utah Legislature passes law telling Congress to keep it's tyrannical mitts off of guns manufactured in Utah (and what could happen to you if you think a state legislature can nullify a federal statute without the U.S. Supreme Court's approval.)
Unraveling school zone traps.

Includes Complete NEW Entertainment Package From Your Favorite Desparado Pancho Vilos!
New Pancho's Wisdom
Pancho's Sweet Dreams for Endangered Species
Pancho's Revised Letter to Santa
Pancho's I-Have-a-Dream Civil Rights Speech
And Much More!
  • 5
    This book is a great help

    Posted by Clarence B on Oct 26th 2011

    "As a person with some formal training, I find myself more and more confused as to what I CAN and CAN'T do to defend myself in potentially bad situations. In fact, I think that if you feel like you already know enough about self-defense, then you don't even know enough to be aware of just how much you really DON'T know. This book is a great help in clearing out some of the most common misconceptions about what is and is not self-defense, as well as how each state handles things so differently."

  • 5
    wonderful words of Pancho?s wisdom

    Posted by Phil M on Oct 26th 2011

    "I cannot begin to express just how much your book, Self Defense Laws of All 50 States, has added to my education and appreciation for the complexity of the variations from state to state. I intend to refer to your book verbally and display it during my training sessions... Our goal is get as many folks as possible trained and create an awareness of the responsibilities of those that carry. Your book has key elements, wonderful words of Pancho?s wisdom, and so much more..."

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