Normal.dotm 0 0 1 267 1525 Shadow Valley Arms Co/Impact Guns 12 3 1872 12.0 0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false
Thundertrap 30 cal, black, 5/8x24 (standard)
The AWC ThunderTrap/ ThunderTrap TITM suppressor is an example of technology taken to the extreme. Now in the fifth generational version which offers less weight in a slightly shorter and quieter package, the AWC ThunderTrap suppressor design enhances the accuracy and manages to cause the retention of the gases for a long period of time, causing the sound emitted to be a soft hiss rather than a pop. The actual gas exit delay time is nothing short of fantastic making observers unsure about hearing any supersonic projectile flight signature (sonic crack).
A common remark is, "I can actually hear the gas escape from the suppressor". The standard ThunderTrap is constructed for all centerfire bolt and semi-auto rifles chambered in a .22 centerfire to .300 WIN MAG. The enhanced models service calibers from .300 Win Mag to 338, 408 Cheytac, 45-70, 50 Beowulf/ Alaskan and other custom requirements.
The AWC ThunderTrap is produced in two material configurations, standard 100% stainless steel and the "TI" model in titanium for reduced weight. Both models feature 360 degree circumferentially welded internal components for increased durability; another industry first from AWC. Bullet impact is easily heard over any other source of sound, and is the primary source of noise.
The ThunderTrapTM also functions as a significant recoil reducer, allowing the user to maintain excellent target contact visibility. The added weight to the barrel also serves to improve the grouping due to changing barrel vibrations. The one thing that may catch your attention is that the sonic crack seems to be non-existent to the shooter or observers who are in a location behind the bullet as the precursor wave seems to mask the sound of the projectile in flight. The AWC ThunderTrap will outlive many barrels - it's a once and done purchase.
Thundertrap 30 cal, black, 5/8x24 (standard)
The AWC ThunderTrap/ ThunderTrap TITM suppressor is an example of technology taken to the extreme. Now in the fifth generational version which offers less weight in a slightly shorter and quieter package, the AWC ThunderTrap suppressor design enhances the accuracy and manages to cause the retention of the gases for a long period of time, causing the sound emitted to be a soft hiss rather than a pop. The actual gas exit delay time is nothing short of fantastic making observers unsure about hearing any supersonic projectile flight signature (sonic crack).
A common remark is, "I can actually hear the gas escape from the suppressor". The standard ThunderTrap is constructed for all centerfire bolt and semi-auto rifles chambered in a .22 centerfire to .300 WIN MAG. The enhanced models service calibers from .300 Win Mag to 338, 408 Cheytac, 45-70, 50 Beowulf/ Alaskan and other custom requirements.
The AWC ThunderTrap is produced in two material configurations, standard 100% stainless steel and the "TI" model in titanium for reduced weight. Both models feature 360 degree circumferentially welded internal components for increased durability; another industry first from AWC. Bullet impact is easily heard over any other source of sound, and is the primary source of noise.
The ThunderTrapTM also functions as a significant recoil reducer, allowing the user to maintain excellent target contact visibility. The added weight to the barrel also serves to improve the grouping due to changing barrel vibrations. The one thing that may catch your attention is that the sonic crack seems to be non-existent to the shooter or observers who are in a location behind the bullet as the precursor wave seems to mask the sound of the projectile in flight. The AWC ThunderTrap will outlive many barrels - it's a once and done purchase.
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