Class 3

You can own a machine-gun, silencer (sound suppressor), or short barreled shotgun or rifle in most states in the U.S.  Known as a class 3 weapon, or an NFA weapon (after the NFA act of 1934 which regulates them), most such weapons are transferrable to civilians and for machine guns as long as the item in question was registered before 1986 as a transferrable NFA item.  Silencers, short barrel shotguns and rifles, and AOWs (like shorty shotguns) can be manufactured at any time and are transferrable in most states.  These weapons are rare, collectible, and generally go up in price each year due to their rarity.  We can help you with the paperwork and recommend a dealer near you that has their SOT (Special Occupancy Tax) license to deal in class 3/NFA weapons to process the transfer to you.  Like all firearms, you need a local dealer to assist with the local pickup.   The process takes a few months and involves a federal level background check-- but we do many each year, and as long as you are patient you can get a rare piece of firearms history.

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