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Ruger Hawkeye Rifle


The Ruger Hawkeye rifle (also known as the Ruger M77 Hawkeye) is available in many calibers, including 308 Win 7.62x51mm NATO, 30-06 Springfield, 6.5 Creedmoor, 270 Winchester, 223 Remington, and more, with the following features:

  • Ergonomically pleasing stock has rounded contours along the barrel, on the bottom of the stock and on top of the pistol grip and wrap-around checkering on grip and forend.

  • Hinged solid-steel floorplate for easy unloading without having to chamber each cartridge. Features an engraved Ruger logo and patented latch that is flush with the trigger guard to avoid accidental dumping of cartridges.

  • Non-rotating, Mauser-type controlled round feed extractor is the most positive case extraction system ever invented, and features a fixed blade-type ejector that positively ejects the empty cases as the bolt is moved fully rearward.

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