With dual-action bars and rotary head locking lugs, the Nova will handle anything from target loads to 3½" magnums. To help dampen the recoil of today’s super-heavy magnum loads, the Nova 12-gauge is specially designed to accept a Benelli recoil reducer.
Advantage® Max-5 HD, the Benelli Nova is the most versatile pump-action shotgun ever made - and just when everyone thought the pump gun couldn’t be improved.
Benelli’s Nova is truly a 21st Century pump shotgun. In a revolutionary shotgun manufacturing process, corrosion-proof polymer is over-molded on a skeleton framework to form the one-piece receiver and buttstock. The lightweight polymer stock also provides plenty of room for mounting an optional 14 oz. recoil reducer.
Super loud cannon of a 12 gauge decent kick
I rate this gun at a 3. It's over all performance is probably the second best I've seen from all the shotguns I've used. The 3.5 inch charge is powerful enough to take down anything with the right rounds. I load mine with 3.5 inch 00b it kicks ass. The reson why I only give it a 3 is mainly because I got it with a blued barrel. The bluing is cheap and rubs right off though you probably won't have this problem with the camo finish as much. If you do get it with a blued barrel get some croil from an auto parts store and that should help protect the barrel from rust . This gun is especially accurate with a super full turkey choke. All in all a pretty good 12 gauge but I'd prefer the Remington nitro Mag over it any day.
Superb Value for Money
I wanted a pump action shotgun for under $500 mainly for home defense and hunting and target shooting. Our State law prevents the use of shot on State Game Reserve gun ranges so you have to use slugs. I went goose hunting on Thanksgiving and found the recoil to be near nothing. I took it to the range and was warned that the slugs would wear your arm out. I shot 15 (3 boxes) and while there was more recoil it did not bruise my arm the way a cheap Spanish side by side had done when hunting with the same people in the past. I cannot recommend this gun highly enough. I do not think it is necessary to spend a lot more and get the reduced recoil model. Nice design, good build quality and that loverly "kerchunk" when you eject and reload.
i love this gun. i have put 500 rounds threw it no problems