Serbu Super Shorty 12g 6.5" Barrel Mossberg AOW- NFA Paperwork Required

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Manufacturer Number:
12 Gauge
Unit of Measure:
Class 3
The SUPER-SHORTY is based on a Mossberg Cruiser 12-gauge shotgun which came from the factory with a pistol grip. Because of this, the SUPER-SHORTY is considered an AOW (Any Other Weapon) and can be transferred with a $5 stamp! The gun holds two 2-3/4" or 3" (if you like pain) shells in the magazine, plus one in the chamber. The 16.5" overall length, 6.5" barrel and spring-loaded foregrip, which pivots out of the way when not in use, make for a very compact package.
If you like the idea of concealed carry with a 12-gauge, or like a lot of "bang" in a small package, or just like a lot of muzzle flash, then this is the gun for you.

(NOTE: Not available in CA and some other states. Federal background check required.)
  • 5
    awesome shotgun.......firing 3" loads rock until..

    Posted by Lex on Nov 29th 2013

    This gun is a crowd pleaser for sure. Kicks like crazy with the 3" loads! Makes my 4" 500 s&w seem like a pellet gun. Lol. Ok that tacstar grip that comes with the gun is "ok". Hey its worked on many other shotguns in the safe....however after firing 30ish shots of 3" out of this 6.5" shotgun......the grip is cracked on both sides and the starting to chip pieces off the polymer where it connects to the reciever! I laughted pretty hard. Speedfeed grip is in the mail. Beware of the tacstar grip on this harcore shotgun if you plan on having a ball with 3" shells!

  • 5
    awsome addition to my other remington 870's

    Posted by steven n on Nov 19th 2012

    This little shotgun is great. I have a 18 inch remington 870 police mag and a 14 inch 870 SBS. So why the serbu? Its a compact shotgun that can be secured in a backpack on a hike, secured in a kayak/canoe or close quarters shotgun in the home or vehicle.good gun to put in a survival pack.Then all the ammo from bird shot, buck and slugs, Winchesters pdx buck and slug round is awesome in this gun.all the versatility of a shotgun in a compact package!

  • 5
    Way Cool!!

    Posted by James on Nov 2nd 2012

    I bought mine app 1 year ago. I wanted an NFA item and this one caught my eye. The $5 stamp was a big reason. The worst part was waiting for the ATF to process the paperwork. Well worth the wait!

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